Here is Part IV in the continuing series showing how little in common our Congresspersons share with average, everyday Americans, which explains why they often pass legislation which benefits the wealthy and big business but does little for, or actually hurts, the poor and regular citizens. For very, very, VERY few, if any, of our elected contingent have ever been secretaries, wallpaper hangers, factory workers, retail clerks, mechanics, or involved in any of the gundreds of other common jobs paying at or near median income. Instead, they have overwhelmingly come from higher-salaried occupations like law, business, and higher education. For we have apparently been brainwashed into thinking only those from the upper income brackets are worthy of being sent to represent us. We evidently think this even though we average folks often show far greater common sense, fairness, responsibility, and thriftiness in our everyday lives than they do. Hopefully, each of you will flood your precinct caucuses next year and give this serious thought when it comes time to nominate candidates for U.S. House and Senate!
The list below illustrates the types of jobs each Congressperson held prior to coming to Congress. As with parts I, II, and III of this series, you will see I continue listing each alphabetical state's Representatives and Senators, district by district, along with their party affiliation. As before, the numbers refer to the congressional district number of the listed state, S=Senator, D=Democrat, I=Independent, R=Republican, A=Attorney, and P=Politician (one who rose through the ranks of their particular party [political assistants, mayors, etc.] without ever having held a long-term job in the business world.
1. Tim Walz D High School Teacher
2. John Kline R Defense Strategist
3. Erik Paulsen R P
4. Betty McCollum D High School Teacher, Sales Manager
5. Keith Ellison D A
6. Michele Bachmann R Tax Attorney
7. Collin Peterson D Accountant
8. Jim Oberstar D P
S. Amy Klobuchar D A
S. Al Franken (soon to be seated) D TV and Radio Personality, Author
1. Travis Childers D Realtor, A
2. Bernie Thompson D High School Teacher
3. Gregg Harper R A
S. Thad Cochran R A
S. Roger Wicker R A
1. William Lacy Clay Jr. R Paralegal
2. Todd Akin R Engineer, Plant Manager
3. Russ Carnahan D A
4. Ike Skelton D A
5. Emanuel Cleaver D Methodist Minister
6. Sam Gates R Farmer
7. Roy Blount R College Administrator
8. Jo Ann Emerson R Association Exec ?
9. Blaine Luetkemeyer R Banker, Insurance agent
S. Kit Bond R A
S. Claire McCaskill D A
At large. Denny Rehberg R Rancher, P
S. Max Baucus D A
S. Jon Tester D Farmer
1. Jeff Fortenberry R Publishing Exec, Economist
2. Lee Terry R A
3. Adrian Smith R Realtor
S. Ben Nelson D A
S. Mike Johanns R A
1. Shelly Berkley D A
2. Dean Heller R Stockbroker
3. Dina Titus D College Professor
S. Harry Reid D A
S. John Ensign R Veterinarian
1. Carol Shea-Porter D Social Worker
2. Paul Hodes D A
S. Judd Gregg R A
S. Jeanne Shaheen D Teacher
1. Rob Andrews D College Professor
2. Franl LoBiondo R Sm. business owner
3. John Adler D A
4. Chris Smith R Retail Exec
5. Scott Garrett R A
6. Frank Pallone D A
7. Leonard Lance R A
8. Bill Pascrell D High School Teacher
9. Steve Rothman D A
10. Donald M. Payne D Financial Exec
11. Rodney Frelinghuysen R P
12. Rush D. Holt Jr. D Physicist, Professor
13. Albio Sires D Insurance Exec
S. Frank Lautenberg D Information Processing Exec
S. Bob Menendez D A
1. Martin Heinrich D Businessman, P
2. Harry Teague D Oil Co. Exec
3. Ben R. Lujan D P
S. Jeff Bingaman D A
S. Tom Udall D A
1. Tim Bishop D College Administrator
2. Steve Israel D Public Relations Exec
3. Peter T. King R A
4. Carolyn McCarthy D Nurse
5. Gary Ackerman D High School Teacher, Newspaper Publisher
6. Gregory W. Meeks D A, Judge
7. Joseph Crowley D P
8. Jerold Nadler D A
9. Anthony D. Weiner D P
10. Ed Towns D Social Worker
11. Yvette Clarke D Economic Development Specialist
12. Nydia Velazquez D College Professor
13. Michael McMahon D A
14. Carolyn B. Mahoney D P
15. Charles Rangel D A
16. Jose Serrano D P
17. Eliot Engel D High School Teacher, A
18. Nita Lowrey D P
19. John Hall D Musician (former member of Orleans, of "Still The One" fame)
20. Scott Murphy D Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist
21. Paul Tonko D Engineer
22. Maurice Hinchey D Factory Foreman
23. John M. McHugh R Insurance Broker
24. Michael Arcuri D A
25. Dan Maffei D Journalist, businessman
26. Chris Lee R Sales Director
27. Brian Higgins D P
28. Louise McIntosh Slaughter D Market Researcher
29. Eric Massa D Military, Business Consultant
S. Chuck Schumer D A
S. Kristin Gillibrand D A
Part V (soon to come) will feature 9 more states: NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SD, and TN. I'm STILL looking for a barber, seamstress, or bus driver!
Michele Bachmann is a tax attorney? I would have figured her for a contestant on Real Housewives of Minneapolis or a Deal or No Deal briefcase carrier. How many second opinions did her clients have to get to stay out of jail?
Haaaa---good question, MD!
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