Today will begin a series of not-necessarily-successive posts in which I will demonstrate how UNLIKE most of the population our Representatives and Senators are, and why this leads them to pass some of the seemingly insane legislation they do from time to time. It will also help explain why it is that so many initiatives are passed in such watered-down versions as to make them almost ineffectual.
A large number of Americans correctly feel their needs and concerns are not being adequately represented in Congress. The reason for this is simple: we almost never send common, everyday, average people just like us TO Congress. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's State and County QuickFacts, median HOUSEHOLD income in this country in 2007 was $50,740. I can guarantee you that FEW, if ANY, of our Representatives or Senators earned less than $50,000 annually individually, in today's dollars, before entering the hallowed halls of Congress. Overwhelmingly, they came to Congress from lucrative law or business careers. That's right: Congress is loaded with attorneys, bankers, business owners or executives, physicians, and other professions from which none earned a mere $25,000, or very few earned less than $50,00 to $75,000 per year. They nearly all came to Congress from upper income bccupations. When, for example, have we ever in recent history sent to Congress a person whose primary job had been one of these: artist, baker, barber, bellhop, blacksmith, cab driver, carpenter, cashier, cook, dietician, electrician, factory worker, firefighter, fisherman, flight attendant, garbageman, gardener, grocer, hairdresser, interior designer, janitor, librarian, locksmith, mechanic, plumber, printer, receptionist, retail clerk, sanitation worker, secretary, street sweeper, tailor, therapist, toolmaker, usher, waitress, welder, or zookeeper? Not experienced or qualified enough, you say? I know barbers and janitors with more common sense, and who can manage a budget far better, than some of the so-called experienced professionals currently in Congress. It makes me wonder why we don't send at least SOME average, everyday folks to represent us in Washington, D.C. For it is becoming abundantly clear that today's Congresspersons are far divorced from, and have little in common with, the huge majority of people they are supposed to, and are paid to, represent. Most are clueless as to the needs, concerns, or struggles of the everyday citizen. I HOPE ALL OF YOU WILL FLOOD YOUR PRECINCT CAUCUSES NEXT YEAR AND REMEMBER THIS WHEN IT COMES TIME TO NOMINATE CANDIDATES FOR HOUSE ASND SENATE! For the time has come for REAL representation in this country, not just the cosmetic variety we have been experiencing with such poor results! If we, the people, are ever going to take this country back, how will this be done if all power is handed right back to the same old, same old economic and professional elite?
Below is a listing, alphabetically state by state, and district by district, of every person serving in our current 111th Congress. I have also listed their party designation (D for Democratic, I for Independent, and R for Republican) as well as their primary occupation prior to election to Congress. I list "P" for Politician, for those who climbed up through the ranks of their party, as opposed to having previously worked in a trade or business. For brevity, and because there are so many of them, "A" will denote Attorney, "S" will denote Senator, and the numbers reflect each state's congressional district number. Part I here will feature 5 states, with all the rest to follow in subsequent posts.
1. Jo Bonner R P
2. Bobby Bright D A
3. Mike D. Rogers R P
4. Robert Aderholt R A
5. Parker Griffith D Oncologist
6. Spencer Bachus R A
7. Artur Davis D A
S. Richard Shelby R A
S. Jeff Sessions R A
At large. Don Young R Mariner, Construction worker, Miner
S. Lisa Murkowski R A
S. Mark Begich D Financial Exec
1. Ann Kirkpatrick D A
2. Trent Franks R Oil Exec
3. John Shadegg R A
4. Rd Pastor D High school teacher
5. Harry Mitchell D High school teacher
6. Jeff Flake R Public Affairs Director
7. Raul M. Grijalva D College Administrator
8. Gabrielle Giffords D Businesswoman
S. John McCain R Military, P
S. John Kyl R A
1. Marion Berry D Farmer, Pharmacist
2. Vic Snyder D Physician
3. John Boozman R Optometrist, Rancher
4. Mike Ross D Sm. businessman
S. Blanche Lincoln D P
S. Mark Pryor D A
1. Mike Thompson D Vineyard owner
2. Wally Herger R Oil Exec
3. Dan Lungren R A
4. Tom McClintock R P
5. Doris Matsui D P
6. Lynn Woolsey D College Professor
7. George Miller D A
8. Nancy Pelosi D P
9. Barbara Lee D Social worker
10. Ellen Tauscher D Investment banker
11. Jerry McNerny D Engineer, Energy scientist
12. Jackie Speier D A
13. Pete Stark D Banking Exec
14. Anna Eshoo D Communications Exec
15. Mike Honda D Teacher, Principal
16. Zoe Lofgren D A
17. Sam Farr D P
18. Dennis Cardoza D Rancher, Sm. bus. owner
19. George Radanovich R Banker, Vineyard owner
20. Jim Costa D Rancher
21. Devin Nunes R Farmer
22. Kevin McCarthy R Sm. bus. owner
23. Lois Capps D Nurse, College Professor
24. Elton Gallegly R Real Estate Banker
25. Howard McKeon R Bank Exec
26. David Dreier R Real Estate exec
27. Brad Sherman D A, Accountant
28. Howard Berman D A
29. Adam Schiff D A
30. Henry Waxman D A
31. Xavier Becerra D A
32. open until July, 2009
33. Diane Watson D Psychologist, College Administrator
34. Lucille Roybal-Allard D Public Relations Officer
35. Maxine Waters D Teacher
36. Jane Harman D A, P
37. Laura Richardson D Printing Exec
38. Grace Napolitano D Automotive Exec
39. Linda Sanchez D A
40. Edward R. Royce R Tax Consultant
41. Jerry Lewis R Insurance Broker
42. Gary Miller R Real Estate Exec
43. Joe Baca D Public Relations Officer, Travel Agency owner
44. Ken Calvert R Sm. bus. owner, Real Estate Agent
45. Mary Bono Mack R Sm. bus. owner
47. Loretta Sanchez D Financial Analyst
48. John B. T. Campbell III R Accountant, Auto Dealer
49. Darrell Issa R Electronics Exec
50. Brian Bilbray R Tax Consultant
51. Bob Filner D College Professor
52. Duncan D. Hunter R Military
53. Susan Davis D Social worker
S. Dianne Feinstein D P
S. Barbara Boxwer D Journalist
As you can see, none of these members listed come from "ordinary" jobs, and few, if any, from jobs paying below median household income. Government by the upper class for the upper class, you say? We shall see. Part II (soon to come) will feature the states of Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, and Illinois.
A lot of $30,000 a year "Republicans" put those people in office. So I guess the enemy is us. Good research. It makes me crazy how the House of Reps has a higher retention rate than the old Politburo.
MD, I never thought of it that way, and that's amazing. That stands as a powerful indictment of our system of "district rigging" gerrymandering! But I don't see "a lot" of $30,000 a year jobs there, though. Most (a big majority) are well over that, and even $30K is higher than today's median individual salary...the enemy is indeed us, for apparently being brainwashed into thinking "average" people cannot represent us.
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