Here is Part II of a not necessarily consecutive multi-installment series illustrating how UNLIKE us most of our U.S. House and Senate incumbents are. As you will see, nearly all came to Congress from occupations paying salaries much higher than average, as the vast majority are attorneys, well-to-do business owners, or other highly paid professionals. If you're a customer service clerk, painter, musician, retail sales clerk, secretary, repairman, hostess, or mechanic, to name but a few, forget it---chances are you won't see any of these Congresspersons who has much in common with you or really understands your daily struggles. They have certainly not experienced life from the confines of your income bracket! That is why few of the laws they pass directly benefit you. I HOPE ALL OF YOU WILL FLOOD YOUR PRECINCT CAUCUSES NEXT YEAR AND REMEMBER THIS WHEN IT COMES TIME TO NOMINATE CANDIDATES FOR U.S. HOUSE AND SENATE. For we have apparently been brainwashed into thinking that we cannot, or should not, send average, common-sense folks just like us to Congress, and must instead send only lawyers, businesspersons, professionals, or the wealthy to make decisions for us. The time has come, though, for REAL representation in this country! If we, the people, are EVER going to truly take this country back, this will not occur if we continually send back to Washington those in collusion with big money, or those who look down on us.
Below is this installment's listing of U.S. House and Senate members, alphabetically state by state and district by district, along with their party affiliation and the type of occupation they performed prior to being elected to Congress. This installment covers incumbents from eight states. The numbers refer to the state's congressional district, S=Senate, D=Democrat, I=Independent, R=Republican, A=Attorney, and P=Politician, or one who rose through their party's ranks without having first held a job in business or industry. See how many of these Congresspersons came from your type of employment or had a job in your income bracket!
1. Diana DeGette D A
2. Jared Polis D Internet Exec
3. John Salazar D Rancher
4. Betsy Markey D Sm. bus. owner
5. Doug Lamborn D A
6. Mike Coffman R Real Estate Exec
7. Ed Perlmutter D A
S. Mark Udall D Teacher
S. Michael Bennet D A
1. John Larson D High school teacher
2. Joe Courtney D A
3. Rosa De Lauro D P
4. Jim Himes D Financial Exec
5. Chris Murphy D A
S. Chriss Dodd D A
S. Joe LIEberman I A
At large. Michael N. Castle R A
S. Tom Carper D Economist
S. Ted Kaufman D P
1. Jeff Miller R Real Estate Broker
2. Allen Boyd D Farmer
3. Corrine Brown D College Professor
4. Ander Crenshaw R A, Investment banker
5. Ginny Brown-Waite R P
6. Cliff Stearns R Engineer, Sm. bus. owner
7. John Mica R Communications Exec
8. Alan Grayson D A
9. Gus Bilirakis R A
10. Bill Young R Insurance Exec
11. Kathy Castor D A
12. Adam Putnam R Farmer
13. Vern Buchanan R Auto dealer, Insurance Exec
14. Connie Mack IV R Marketing Exec
15. Bill Posey R Real Estate Exec
16. Tom Rooney R A
17. Kendrick Meek D Policeman
18. Ilena Ross-Lehtinen R Teacher
19. Robert Wexler D A
20. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz D College Administrator, P
21. Lincoln Diaz-Balart R A
22. Ron Klein D A
23. Alice Hastings D A
24. Suzanne Kosmas D Real Estate Broker
25. Mario Diaz-Balart R P
S. Bill Nelson D A, P
S. Mel Martinez R A
1. Jack Kingston R Insurance Agent, Agribusiness
2. Sanford Bishop D A
3. Lynn Westmoreland R Construction Exec
4. Hank Johnson D A
5. John Lewis D P, Civil Rights Leader
6. Tom Price R Physician
7. John Linder R Dentist
8. Jim Marshall D A
9. Nathan Deal R A
10. Paul Broun R Physician
11. Phil Gingrey R Gynecologist
12. John Barrow D A
13. David Scott D Advertising Exec
S. Saxby Chambliss R A
S. Johnny Isakson R Real Estate Exec
1. Neil Abercrombie D Bus. Consultant
2. Mazie Hirono D A
S. Daniel Inouye D A
S. Daniel Akaka D Teacher
1. Walt Minnick D A
2. Michael K. Simpson R Dentist
S. Mike Crapo R A
S. Jim Risch R A
1. Bobby Rush D Insurance Agent, Civil Rights Leader
2. Jesse Jackson, Jr. D P, Civil Rights Leader
3. Dan Lipinski D College Professor, P
4. Luis Gutierrez D High school teacher, Social Worker
5. Michael Quigley D A
6. Peter Roskam R A
7. Danny K. Davis D Non-profit program coordinator
8. Melissa Bean D Sales Exec
9. Janice Schakowsky D Non-profit program coordinator
10. Mark Kirk R A, P
11. Debbie Halvorson D Sales Rep
12. Jerry Costello D Baliff, Sheriff
13. Judy Biggert R A
14. Bill Foster D Physicist
15. Timothy V. Johnson R A
16. Donald Manzullo R A
17. Philip Hare D P, Union Leader
18. Aaron Schock R P
19. John Shimkus R High school teacher
S. Dick Durbin D A
S. Roland Burris D A
Part III in this series (soon to come) will include 9 more states: Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Michigan.
Bravo Jack.
This is extremely illuminating and useful information. Glad you made this a two-parter.
Thanks for putting my long held suspicions under the scrutiny of your research and examination.
I hope this post is read far and wide as Republicans in particular going on their "Listening" tour.
Thanks, SJ.
It will probably require about four more installments, but I think it will be a very valid illustration of why so little beneficial legislation for the average citizen ever gets passed. As for the Republicans, they've been listening all along, but only to the wealthy and huge corporate interests. And if that imbecile Rush Limbaugh has his way, pretty soon they won't be listening to ANYBODY! But this isn't only a GOP problem...far too many Dems are out of touch too and need a "hearing aid."
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