In our form of government, all one needs to do is get one more vote than one's opponent to win an election. Then, like it or not, the correct thing - the PATRIOTIC thing - is for us to accept the results of that election and ALLOW THE ONE ELECTED TO GOVERN! If we don't like a particular candidate's stance on an issue, we can try to make an issue of it and defeat him or her at the next election.
The Republicans, under the "leadership" of Mitch McConnell, are playing very dirty with this concept. With their insistence on filibustering every single piece of legislation brought up before the Senate, they have effectively made a mockery of our concept of majority-party rule. They have ground the Senate to a halt on a number of occasions, and this must stop. Twice this year, Senator Jim Bunning has has held captive unemployment extensions. Senator Richard Shelby has held numerous Obama administration judicial appointments up. Senator Tom Coburn has held up more than $1 BILLION in very-sorely needed Haiti earthquake relief aid because of a technicality.
This is NOT the way a responsible governmental body is supposed to work. But it is the way conservative Republicans are making it work. This shows how little regard that wretched party has for our system of government, its elections, and the will of the people. When a minority, or even ONE Senator, can hold up legislation or the implementation of government policy sought by a duly-elected majority, it is a travesty which MUST be overturned!
We know how much you hate our government, conservative Republicans, so why don't you just get the hell out altogether? Leave governing to those who actually care about the country and want to see it succeed!
Hey Jack, off the subject:
Check out latest recipe on Working-Class Gourmand. Good for cold Minnesota nights!
A reason that our Founding Fathers designed a divided government, rather than a parliamentary one, was of course checks and balances. But I don't think that in 1787 they would have anticipated a time when money is speech, or one in which the Republicans are sabotaging government for their own self-centered purposes.
Thanks, Manifesto Joe! I'll try out the recipe over Christmas, although I may have to tone it down a wee bit due to the fact that our northern tongues aren't quite as used to the "hot" stuff as are those of most Texans. Thanks for thinking of me!
You're exactly right that our Founding Fathers never envisioned a government so corrupted by money as the one we have today. Thomas Jefferson, in particular, would be appalled!
This is NOT the way a responsible governmental body is supposed to work. But it is the way conservative Republicans are making it work.
Of course they are because they are not the least bit interested in governance. They are at best states-rights advocates and at worst, anarchists. They have a singular goal, it seems to me, to take down the Federal government piece by piece.
And they will, especially if The People awre too uninformed and/or distracted to pay attention to their movement. All that the GOP needs to do is to dangle a few red herrrings before The People during the election cycle, and they will gain more and more control of the government until, presto, it vanishes altogehter.
Ohio's newly elected conservative [Fox News analyst] governor is already whetting his carving knife and is ready to cut Ohio's government to the bare bones. His proclimations ought to scare the hell out of the citizens of this state, but they were too distracted and uninformed to have realized what he was going to do if elected. Now, they [and we] will pay the price for their lack of attention. And they better not come crying to me!
There is a wonderful post on my blog written by a guy I called after I read a letter he wrote to the Lexington Herald-Leader regarding this subject. His name is Gerry Hill and my blog is thebookofcletis.blogspot.com/
I often call people who write letters I agree with and compliment them. People seem to appreciate it and I believe it encourages each of us to keep up the fight. The posts on my blog by Daniel Berry came about in the same way. Read your area newspaper and call up the people you can compliment. Personally, I never call anyone I would like to choke. Cletis
I agree completely. The whole filibuster thing has gotten completely out of control and is no longer working the way it once did, when people actually had to take the floor and talk the whole time they held the Senate hostage. Now they do it invisibly and there's this whole new paradigm that you just need 60 votes to win, period. It's absurd. It has to change. If a President can win the election by one vote, so should a bill be able to pass the Senate.
"And they will, especially if The People awre too uninformed and/or distracted to pay attention to their movement. All that the GOP needs to do is to dangle a few red herrrings before The People during the election cycle, and they will gain more and more control of the government until, presto, it vanishes altogehter."
That's why it's so important that you, I, and all the others keep sounding off as we do!
Thank you very much. The post on your blog is what inspired me to write this one. Blog on, brother!
I'm with you 100% on that one! That's what I meant when I said these Repubs are making a mockery of the entire system. Blog on, sister!
If Harry grows a pair (like he should have a long time ago), then the rules will be changed. Everyone is calling this out along with one Senator being able to hold up a bill or a nomination. Let's get this done already!
Lisa G,
I'm with you all the way on this one!
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