2. The Mall of America in Bloomington is the size of 78 football fields or a total of 9.5 million square feet.
3. Products invented in Minnesota include: masking tape, Scotch tape, Wheaties, Bisquick, the Bundt pan, HMOs, Aveda beauty products, and Green Giant vegetables!

5. Minneapolis is home to the oldest continuously running theater (Old Log Theater) and the largest dinner theater (Chanhassan Dinner Theater) in the country.
6. The original name of the settlement that became St. Paul was "Pig's Eye," named for a French‐Canadian whiskey trader, Pierre "Pig's Eye" Parrant, who had led squatters to the settlement.
7. The world's largest pelican stands at the base of Mill Pond dam on the Pelican River in downtown Pelican Rapids. The 15 1/2 foot tall concrete statue was built in 1957.
8. The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden is the largest urban sculpture garden in the country.
9. The Guthrie Theater is the largest regional playhouse in the

10. Minneapolis' famed skyway system connects 52 blocks (nearly five miles) downtown, making it possible to live, eat, work and shop without going outside.
11. Minneapolis has more golfers per capita than any other city in the country.
12. The climate‐controlled Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome is the only facility in the country to have hosted a Super Bowl, a World Series, and an NCAA Final Four basketball championship.
13. Minnesota, due to its more than 10,000 lakes, has 90,000 miles of shoreline, which is more than California, Florida, and Hawaii combined!
14. The nation's first Better Business Bureau was founded in Minneapolis in 1912.
15. The first open heart surgery and first bone marrow transplant in the United States were both done at the University of Minnesota.
16. Bloomington and Minneapolis are the two northernmost ciNes to host a World Series game.
17. Madison, MN is the "lutefisk capitol" of the United States.
18. Rochester is home to the world famous Mayo Clinic. The clinic is a major teaching and working facility known worldwide for its doctors' expertise and the latest methods of cancer treatments.
19. The Bergquist cabin, built in 1870 by John Bergquist, a Swedish immigrant, is the oldest house in Moorhead still on its original site.
20. For many years, the world's largest twine ball has sat in
Darwin. It weighs 17,400 pounds, is twelve feet in diameter, and
was the creation of Francis A. Johnson.
21. The stapler was invented in Spring Valley.

23. Private Milburn Henke of Hutchinson was the first enlisted man to land with the first American expediNonary force in Europe in WWII on January 26, 1942.
24. Water skis were invented in 1922 by Ralph W. Samuelson, who steam‐bent 2 eight‐foot‐long pine boards into skis. He took his first ride behind a motorboat on Lake Pepin in Lake City.
25. Since 1973, in Olivia, a single, half‐husked corn cob towers over a
roadside gazebo. It is 25 feet tall, made of fiberglass.
26. The first children's department in a library was established
at the Minneapolis Public Library. They separated children's
books from the rest of their collecNon in 1889.

28. On September 2, 1952, a five‐year‐old girl was the first patient to undergo a heart operation in which the "deep freezing" technique was employed. Her body temperature, except for her head, was reduced to 79 degrees Fahrenheit. Dr. Floyd Lewis at the Medical School of the University of Minnesota performed the operation.
29. The first aerial ferry was put into operation in 1905 over the ship canal between Duluth and Minnesota Point. It had room enough to accommodate six automobiles, and the roundtrip took 10 minutes.

31. The first intercollegiate basketball game was played in Minnesota on February 9, 1895.
32. In 1919 a Minneapolis factory turned out the nation's first armored cars.
33. Tonka Trucks were developed and manufactured in Minnetonka.
34. The Hormel Company of Austin, MN marketed the first canned ham in 1926 and introduced Spam in 1937.
35. Introduced in 1963, the Control Data 6600, designed by Control Data CorporaNon, was the first "super" computer. It was used by the military to simulate nuclear explosions and break Soviet codes as well as to model complex phenomena such as hurricanes and galaxies.

37. A Jehovah's Witness was the first patient to receive a transfusion of artificial blood in 1979 at the University of Minnesota Hospital. He had refused a transfusion of real blood because of his religious beliefs.
38. Minnesota has one recreational boat per every six people, more than any other state.
39. There are 201 lakes named Mud Lake, 154 named Long Lake, and 123 named Rice Lake in Minnesota.

41. Minnesota's waters flow outward in three direcNons: north to Hudson Bay in Canada, east to the Atlantic Ocean and south to the Gulf of Mexico. A triple continental divide.
42. At the confluence of the Big Fork and Rainy Rivers on the Canadian border near InternaNonal Falls stands the largest Indian burial mound in the upper midwest, known as the Grand Mound historic site.
43. Author Laura Ingalls Wilder lived on Plum Creek near Walnut Grove.
44. Akeley is birthplace and home of the world's largest Paul Bunyan statue. The kneeling Paul Bunyan is 20 feet tall. He would be 33 feet tall if standing up.

46. The first official regular season home run in the brand-new Target Field baseball stadium in Minneapolis was hit by the Minnesota Twins' own Jason Kubel in a 5-2 victory over the Boston Red Sox on April 12, 2010.
47. Polaris Industries of Roseau invented the snowmobile.
48. Twin Cities‐based Northwest Airlines was the first major airline to ban smoking on internaNonal flights.
49. Alexander Anderson of Red Wing discovered the processes to puff wheat and rice giving us rice cakes.

50. The largest Dala horse (a Swedish art form) in North America is in Mora.
So much for Minnesota trivia, folks. Hope you found it interesting. I know that, while I've been away here briefly, the conservative Republicans have been acting up again. So I'll be back calling them on the carpet for their misdeeds very SOON!
Interesting Jack~! Pierre "Pig's Eye" Parrant was impressive... your shoreline miles stuns...1 in every 6 a boater? makes me think I'd like it in MN much (if not for the cold~!), Water skis? WOW... part of my childhood... but I confess to having a serious guarded nature about dark lakes. The very first children's section in a library is outstanding. Lots to learn in this one!
Very informative. I have always considered your state one of grace and intelligence. Unfortunately Michele Bachmann has given it a black eye. But I realize that there is more to a state than one person.
Thanks for posting this :)
51. One woman makes Minnesota the Fruitcake Capitol of America. :-)
My uncle has a place in Nevis so we always go to Akley with the kids to sit on Paul Bunyons outstreched hand. It was neat but they dig the giant tiger musky in Nevis more cause you can pretend to be caught in it's mouth.
Very interesting stuff there Jack! Well done and it shows that you love your state!
F. Scott Fitzgerald, dude! Finest literary stylist of 20th-century America, in my book.
Oh, hell, I almost forgot Sinclair Lewis! Another of the greats of the same period.
Thanks---there were a lot of things in this I learned, too, and yes, it can get quite cold here in the winter. Other than that, it's not too bad...
Thanks for stopping by, and, as I mentioned, Michele Bachmann is an anamoly. (Would be in ANY state)! :-)
She's NUTTIER than a fruitcake!
Thanks for that interesting tidbit!
Thanks, LisaG!
But the credit belongs to my cousin Nancy Thoraldson, who sent me the info to begin with. There ARE many good aspects to this state, once you subtract Ventura, Pawlenty, and Bachmann.
Manifesto Joe,
Thank you, my friend. They are indeed valuable additions!
Wouln't it be great if Michele Bachmann was roommates with Verne Gagne? Oh sorry about that one, a bit harsh. For Verne.
True Jask. Have you ever fished Lake Winnibigoshish?
Max's Dad,
HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAA!!! We can only hope there's a dropkick or body slam in her future!
I never have. I think it's in the middle of a Chippewa Indian reservation, so perhaps fishing by non-Indians like myself may not be permitted, but I'm not sure.
I would have thought that the World's Biggest Horse's Ass would have ranked #1 on your list, Jack. Her name immediately came to mind when I saw the Minnesota trivia title.
I presume you mean the biggest horse's ass in the universe, old MB, right? :-) She TOPS the list, but not in chronological order...
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