"Tax the very wealthy to make everyone healthy."
- Vigilante, Sozadee, CA -
Here's a song that was quite popular right about this time in the summer of 1966 and was done by a vocal group called The Happenings. I have adapted the original lyrics to fit the situation of an uninsured constituent of today (there are nearly 50 million of us) as he says goodbye to Congress as they leave Washington D.C., without having passed a universal health care reform bill, for their August recess. (My apologies to The Happenings and to our countrymen for having had to make this post this way today). So break out your old Happenings 45 or LP and sing along with me as I remind Congress that once again, it has failed the American people by bowing to pressure from special interests.
(I'll feel alone, each and every night
While you're away, I'll be sure to write)
Bye bye, so long, farewell
Bye bye, so long...
See you in September
See you when the summer's through
Here I am (bye, Congress, goodbye) saying goodbye at the station (bye, Congress, goodbye)
Summer vacation is taking you away (bye Congress, goodbye)!
Have a good time, but remember
There is danger in this uninsured man's fist
Will I see you in September,
Or lose you to an insurance lobbyist?
(Counting the days 'til I'll hear from you
Counting the hours and the minutes too)
Bye, Congress, goodbye
Bye, Congress, goodbye
Bye, Congress, goodbye (bye bye, so long, farewell)
Bye, Congress, goodbye (bye bye, so long)...
Have a good time, but remember
I'm no stranger, and I'm one who shouldn't be missed
Will I see you in September,
Or lose you to an insurance lobbyist?
It's irritating. If the Healthcare Industry didn't have so much money to through around, this would have been an open and shut case.
But if the fall is when it has to happen, then the fall it is, or thereafter...
They can either do this now, or wait 10-12 years later when Healthcare costs choke every other industry in America. Then whichever party is the majority will find itself in the horrible poistion of having to abruptly nationalize healthcare overnight.
"throw around"
I'm so mad, I can't even spell anymore.
It IS infuriating to think that these bastards can pay their board members multi-million dollar salaries and spend $1.3 million per DAY lobbying against a public option health care reform bill, but can't afford to cover everyone in the country or pay their own members' catastrophic medical expenses. This is an industry that is threatening our health. As such, it should be heavily penalized and regulated. As you know, I share your anger!
Haha. Good one Jack. For a minute there after seeing your headline, I was afraid you were going away for a month. Yeah, Jack, I'm getting mad too.
Yeah, MD, if we don't get health care passed this year, we never will, and then I'll become a full-blown American dissident! But I'll keep posting no matter what---my Irish blood percolates pretty easily from conservative Republicans, and it usually boils over into a fresh new post every few days.
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