At the conclusion of this piece, I will present my opinions on Cuba, its people, its government, and what I hope for her future.

I would describe none of these people as feeling hopelessly oppressed, or desperately itching to leave their homeland, although a number of Cubans DO feel that way. For, while the Cuban Revolution has indeed cost them their freedom, the Castro government has done more to benefit the country than all of its neglectful predecessors, and for more of the population, too. For this reason I believe the people, most of them anyway, have come to accept life as it is. It seemed to us that the Cuban spirit was too lively to be caught in continual despair. The two families we stayed with did not display any noticeable discontent, or exhibit fear in having us stay in their dwellings. Both simply let us be and went about their business in a normal way. While their living conditions were modest, both had working 19" color TVs, and both had medium-level boom boxes, and each seemed content with what they had. They unsparingly offered us food and drink, which we joined them in on occasion.
In a tobacco shop, we spoke with a woman who had good command of English. She mentioned that everyone we saw on the street was wearing a "false face." We didn't press her for an explanation, but she did mention she had applied for an exit visa for herself and her daughter, so perhaps she was speaking mainly for herself. For most of the people we encountered were basically rather happy-go-lucky and seemingly content overall, although nobody would be totally content with product shortages being a fairly common occurrence. Our trade embargo against Cuba, the major cause of these shortages, began in 1960, after Cuba had nationalized some U.S. companies. It has been a total and complete embargo ever since, covering all types of products. Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla has described it as an "economic, commercial, and financial siege" that has now entered its sixth decade. No such embargo exists between Canada, Britain, Germany, Japan, or any other major European or Asian power and Cuba, and no one else's citizens are restricted from either going there or spending money there. A report prepared for the UN General Assembly puts the cost of this embargo at US $750 BILLION, approximately 7 times Cuba's annual GDP. In other words, our embargo has cost Cuba 7 years of development. But has it worked? Has it convinced the Cuban government to change its ways? Absolutely not: all it has done is hurt the Cuban people. Needlessly.
China, the now vitally important U,S, trading partner and major supplier, still engages in major human rights violations among its own people. Press censorship is very tight there. Yet we ended our embargo against them nearly 40 years ago. There are infinitely more political prisoners today in China than there are in Cuba. So why do we continue to pick on Cuba for that reason? 36+ years ago, we were at war with Vietnam, and not only did they kill many thousands of our soldiers, they have certainly not granted their people the type of freedom we enjoy since the North took over the entire country in 1975. Yet we trade with them, but not with Cuba. We trade freely with Egypt, even provide them with billions in foreign aid, even though it is ruled by iron-fisted dictator Hosni Mubarak who has been guilty of many atrocities over a 29 year span, but we still refuse to trade with our next door neighbor Cuba. It is a most unfair paradox to keep Cuba out of our trading circle while we actively engage in trade with other repressive dictatorships across the globe. Why do we continue this insanity and double standard when none of the rest of the world does the same?
To be sure, the Castro government has been guilty of many deplorable human rights offenses. There have been executions of political opponents, and jailings without due process (SOUND FAMILIAR?). Press censorship is a way of life, and I abhor all of that. But because Cuba does not hold a strategic trump card for us the way China or Egypt do, it is unfairly being singled out for punishment. I, for one, say it is time for a more pragmatic approach.
In many ways, our embargo has backfired on us. Right off the bat, it pushed Cuba smack dab into the broad, outstretched arms of the old Soviet Union and away from us. Overreactions on both sides almost led to nuclear war in 1962 during the Cuban mMssile Crisis. But those days are long gone. Cuba hasn't had offensive missiles pointed at us for nearly 50 years, and gone are the days when Cuba was actively engaged in trying to export revolution to other Latin American countries by sending revolutionaries and soldiers. Countries like Nicaragua, Venezuela, Bolivia, and even Brazil have instead instituted their own revolutions in recent years, mainly due to exploitation and benign neglect by the U.S. or the tin-horn dictators we once supported. That is a fact of life. Cuba didn't cause the leftward shift of a number of Central and Latin American governments: WE did! Our penchant for supporting any pro-American government so long as it was stable and anti-Communist, no matter how repressive it was to its own citizens, is the reason we have lost so much ground in that region. Our entire history of dominating the area through military intervention and by other means is full of glaring mistakes: Chile in 1973, and El Salvador and Nicaragua in the 1980s are the most current examples. Therefore, the days for punishing Cuba should come to a screeching halt. We simply must start to treat our southern neighbors as just that: fully independent neighbors who are not our possessions.

1). It turned a population that was 23% illiterate in 1959 into one with ONLY 4% ILLITERACY IN ONLY TWO YEARS' TIME! Today, UN estimates place this figure at 6.8%, but that is still evidence of remarkable progress! Education is FREE from kindergarten all the way up through a doctorate level in college (to those whose grades qualify them for it).
2). It has now the second highest number of doctors per capita of any nation on earth (we are far behind at no. 52), and health care for ALL is universal and FREE, just as it should be here! At the time of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the country had 6,000 doctors, of which 3,000 left right after it occurred. Now there are over 64,000 doctors providing medical services all throughout the island. Cuba currently has three times as many doctors in the Third World as the World Health Organization! She also trains hundreds of medical students from the Caribbean and other developing countries free of charge, a most unselfish gesture! Today, at 75 years, the Cubans have achieved the longest life expectancy, and the lowest death rate among every 1,000 live births (7.1) in all of Latin America, AND THEY HAVE DONE SO IN SPITE OF OUR CRIPPLING EMBARGO WHICH SEVERELY LIMITS AVAILABILITY OF MEDICAL SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT! Imagine what they could accomplish if they were freed from that embargo!
3). All discrimination based on race, gender, and class inequality has been greatly reduced. I saw whites, mulattoes, and blacks mingling freely with one another, without the slightest hint of racism.
Our beazen attempt to blackmail Cuba into adopting an economy just like ours, with so-called "free" markets and an ever-expanding-in-wealth yet ever-shrinking ultra-rich elite, has been an abject failure. It has only strengthened Cuban resolve to resist, and has provided other developing nations with proof that the "American way" is NOT the only way to economic development! No other nation on earth punishes Cuba like we do, and this foolish course of action MUST end!
I do NOT support Cuba's excesses in the field of human rights. I do NOT support its press censorship. I am NOT suggesting that we coddle a dictatorship, or that their way of doing things is a paradise on earth. What I AM suggesting, though, is that we take the first step in thawing a very old and now very cold relationship. Just as one can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, if we show the Cuban government we are sincere and won't dictate terms to them, they will invariably feel less threatened by their big neighbor to the north and might well begin to slowly reform themselves ON THEIR OWN. We could, and SHOULD, begin this thawing out process with cultural exchanges centered around, say, Cuban baseball or Cuban jazz music. Then, the Presidents of each country should hold a summit and lay the groundwork for eventual full diplomatic relations to be restored. Travel restrictions between each country should end. At the very least, it is worth a try, especially because an effort like this has never really been made!
This, then, concludes my reminiscences of an unforgettable trip I made to Cuba 10 years ago. I sincerely hope that, within another 10 years, I shall be able to return there, LEGALLY, and note with great satisfaction that progress has been made to amend the excesses found in BOTH of our systems!

I agree that it makes no sense to keep imposing an embargo on Cuba. The power that the Cuban refugees in Florida is exert is out of proportion to their numbers.
I would rather have a friend than an enemy that close to our shores.
You speak with good common sense and fairness.
What it all brings to mind is the right-wing spin on Cuba. The Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 was aborted by JFK not because of any sympathy for Cuban communism, but because it was a half-baked idea to begin with. The CIA put together a force of about 1,300 Cuban refugees with the idea that, with U.S. air support, they would ignite a counterrevolution throughout the island. What they didn't count on was that movement simply not happening -- Castro actually had a great deal of popular support in Cuba, and a counterrevolution simply wouldn't materialize. The Cuban people had watched their country be turned into a combination plantation/whorehouse/casino for decades, and they had grown quite tired of it. The CIA vastly underestimated Castro's popular support. JFK quickly realized that the undertaking was a mistake, and withheld the air support. He's blamed for leaving the Bay of Pigs garrison to languish and be defeated, but it should be clear now historically, since the 1962 Missile Crisis, that letting the air support go forth would have meant World War III. He quite rightfully let Allen Dulles be the scapegoat for the debacle. Unfortunately, a lot of right-wingers still think he should have thrown caution to the wind and let the bombing commence. It would have been an unmitigated disaster.
Manifesto Joe,
You are 100% absolutely correct!I salute you for your knowledge of history. I echo Darlene's statement that the power the Cuban refugees exert is out of proportion to their numbers. And, might I add, the Castro government, flawed and dictatorial though it is, has consistently delivered for its citizens better than all prior governments, and that is why Cuba has not had a popular uprising the way the rest of the "Iron Curtain", or Hosni Mubarak's Egypt just did.
Thank you so much.What is so effective about this,is that it's an eyewitness account.Seems obvious, I know. My point is,much of what you wrote (history, facts and figures,commentary)might be written by myself or others in the liberal blogosphere.
The fact that you were on the ground, on a personal journey gives your words tremendous impact.
Seriously. No one can say that you were shown what their govt wanted you to see-you were there as "just a guy". And that is why, to coin a phrase - you absolutely kicked ass with this series!
Mil gracias mi amigo!
I was reviewing the annual CPAC ultra-conservative convention held this weekend. Jack, sorry, but none of those 'faces' would be permitted into the ballroom. The bathroom, yes, provided that they carry their cloths, bleach and scrub brush.
Gracias mi amigo for your kind words. As you know, I simply call 'em as I see 'em, and will never be anybody's mouthpiece for distorted fact. I could be wrong, but what I have said here has been my honest accounting of what we did - and didn't - experience.
Isn't it curious how such a squeaky-clean group of conservatives can stink so bad? :-)
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