Monday, March 22, 2010


Forgive me, readers. I am surprisingly giddy today after last night's House vote, and I am uncharacteristical-ly going to make a post filled with red meat today.

I would have given ANYTHING to have sat before House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) as that 216th House vote came in last night. The guy undoubtedly went as limp as a wet noodle and probably blanched as white as a ghost, despite his fake, poured-on tan. His long battle to preserve the greedy health insurance companies' status quo and make mincemeat out of President Obama's health care reform initiative went up in smoke. Now this sneering, hateful, obstinant leader of governmental obstruction has been dealt a severely bitter defeat, and it couldn't taste sweeter to those of us who pushed for reform!

As for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), I would have loved to have been standing right in front of him at that monumental moment as well. He, too, was dealt a heavy blow, and he probably actually DID load his pants this time, instead of merely looking like he did, as he usually does. Depends, Mitchy? And that mouthy Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) who predicted that Obama would face his Waterloo over health care reform undoubtedly has a less-than-sweet taste in his mouth this morning, too. Needless to say, we are delighted!

Now we progressives must grab the ball and run with it. We CANNOT allow the far-right, ultra-conservative Republicans to gain any more seats in Congress this fall! We've been paying that lazy bloc of do-nothings $174,000 each to do absolutely nothing for far too long, and it is now time to boot them out and start getting our money's worth!


Infidel753 said...

When the deciding vote came through, Boehnhead was unofficially described as looking "even oranger than usual" -- probably a sight worth seeing.

Jack Jodell said...

Undoubtedly! :-)

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

As a fellow guy, I always see the tragedy when another guy can't "get it up." But this time I'm happy about Boehner's failure to launch.

Jack Jodell said...

I'm with you, Truth101. This time, it looks like he blew up on the pad! :-)

Manifesto Joe said...

Jack, check out Yahoo! News -- a Texas GOP congressfool shouted "Baby killer!" at Bart Stupak during the House debate. Texas Republicans seem to be trying to compete with Michele Bachmann for the title of craziest.

Holte Ender said...

I reckon both Boehner and McConnell might lose their leadership jobs considering how the GOP likes to blame people for their failures.

Jack Jodell said...

Manifesto Joe,
You Texans reside in the biggest state, and it's certain that Texas Republicans have the mouths to measure up to the state's size. Sure glad we have you and Marc McDonald as two of the lonely voices of reasoned intelligence down there!

Jack Jodell said...

I hope voters will correctly blame them for their worthlessness next time and boot both of their sorry asses out of Congress!

Max's Dad said...

The Boner is just really concerned with that tax on tanning beds. He's selfish even when compared to his fellow Repelicans.

Manifesto Joe said...

Oh, there are more than just we two down here, Jack. I noticed that only one of our Democrats in the House -- please note this one, Blue Dog Chet Edwards of Waco -- voted no. Lloyd Doggett of Austin spoke out strongly in favor. It's not a lost cause down here, but we've gotten very used to the role of underdogs. The state's demographics are changing, so stay tuned.

Jack Jodell said...

Max's Dad,
Let's not forget his luxurious golf junkets, which he's constantly going on. I'd like to see Obama and Congress slap a 10,000% tax increase on tanning beds...
Thanks, Manifesto Joe, for reminding me there are more than a bare few intelligent and progressives souls in that state. Seems to me LBJ, Ralph Yarborough (sp), and Molly Ivins all hailed from your great stae. Carry on, my friend!

mud_rake said...

The title of this post knocked me over! Perfect end to a great 24-hour cycle. Let the celebration continue!

Jack Jodell said...

Right on, brother! And now let the work begin: a third consecutive overwhelming defeat for the Republicans this fall, and then the fight to finally improve this legislation to the point where we eventually end up with a universal, single-payer system!

amadmike1 said...

In my professional judgment The Boner is a Drinker...not that there is anything wrong with that...