My cursed, snakebitten Minnesota Vikings did it again tonight. They lost a very close NFC Championship game in overtime to the victorious New Orleans Saints, and so now, for the fifth consecutive time since 1977, they have lost the one game which would have propelled them to the Super Bowl. I am heartsick, as I'm sure Max's Dad is too, over at his website. The Saints will now deservedly go on to this year's Super Bowl, for the first time in their history, where they will face the formidable Indianapolis Colts to determine this year's overall NFL Champion.
Clearly today, the better teams won. The Saints, led by their no. 1 offense, quarterback Drew Brees, and and a great defense, prevailed over my Vikings, who uncharacteristically had 6 fumbles and 5 turnovers. Still, my Vikes rolled up over 400 yards of offense today, but their turnovers killed them and caused them to lose in overtime. It is heartbreaking to see their season (and, quite possibly, Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre's carrer). Favre, coming back from offseason surgery and semi-retirement last August, had arguably the best year of his long and distinguished 19 year carreer this season at age 40. It would have been wonderful for him to go out on top winning the Super Bowl one more time and leading the Vikings to their very first Super Boel championship, but it just wasn't to be.
I am very happy for the Saints, and for their fans and city, which has suffered such horrible devastation in recent years. This trip to the Super Bowl will provide them all with a wonderful feeling of accomplishment and a great deal of well-deserved pride. Hats off to them all!
I just can't watch a team that has Brette Farve on it; arrogant ass that he is, thinks he can come out of retirement and everyone will still worship him like they did in Green Bay. Retire the old fucker and give some greenie the chance. If I were a team owner, I wouldn't hire him just out of principle.
I could not believe it but as I was going to work I heard something mentioned about Farve wanting to retire.
My Bucs could use a new QB.
For the 1st time in living memory, Trophy Wife and I were all over this NFL game. We have a close friend in New(er) Orleans and he lives a Saintly life. Truly, this game could have gone either way. There were close calls in the last quarter and OT. I couldn't believe how many fumbled-turnovers the Saints missed because they just had to try and run with the ball instead of just falling on it. But the good(er) guys won this year, Jack! I hope they go all the way!
My condolences, Jack.
But at least you Vikings fans got to enjoy a great season. My local CFL team post a "convenience store record" (7-11) last year.
Thanks for your comments, everyone. At the moment, I'm too heatrsick to respond.
You're as good sport Jack. My Uncle from Stillwater called and cursed at me for ten minutes. I said I didn't fumble 6 times. Call Adrian Peterson.
I don't think I'll be invited to the cabin near Park Rapids this summer.
Oh Jack. I was in pain also. When Favre threw that interception instead of running for 5 yards I about spit out my Grain Belt. I hate to sound like a typical whiner but The Vikes should have won that game by 20 points. But they didn't and now I can go back to anticipating spring training in Ft.Myers. It was fun ride.
Yeah, Max's Dad, I'm looking ahead to the Twins in their new ballpark come April. It's sitting on the very same spot where I worked exactly 20 years ago. Our office and warehouse sat where the left- center field seats will now be. Amazing! I never dreamed that 2 decades later they'd build an MLB stadium on that very site...
Sorry for the family discord. You're right, though---those six fumbles killed us!
I work with teabaggers who hate Favre ergo I became a Favre fan. Sorry Lisa!
So Jack I was pulling for 'em too.Sucks.
I wanted the Jets too,Manning's a big Repub donor so I can't stand the punk.
I'm hoping Al hires Snoop Dogg to coach the Raiders. He'd turn us around.trying to get rumors started and hope the idea takes off.
LOL! Well I am not a foothead, so I don't know what all the fuss is about but I love hearing about the fuss:-)
Six turnovers did not help their cause one bit, but that last penalty for 12 men in the huddle was the killer, the Saints did not play that well in the second half. The Colts will moider 'em.S
Thanks for your support. I think you'll find a good many pro football players are Repubs. Too bad, but true...
I actually like baseball much more than football.
Holte Ender,
I kinda tink you got dat right! :-)
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